A class to deal with colors. A color can be specified in four ways by
the client: 1) as a Color constant like Color.RED or Color.LIGHT_SKY_BLUE
2) as a name like "red" or "light sky blue" 3) as a
six-character hex string like "#ff00cc" 4) as a three-integer
tuple like (255, 0, 198) where each int is in range 0-255
ALICE_BLUE = ' alice blue '
ALICEBLUE = ' AliceBlue '
ANTIQUE_WHITE = ' antique white '
ANTIQUEWHITE = ' AntiqueWhite '
ANTIQUEWHITE1 = ' AntiqueWhite1 '
ANTIQUEWHITE2 = ' AntiqueWhite2 '
ANTIQUEWHITE3 = ' AntiqueWhite3 '
ANTIQUEWHITE4 = ' AntiqueWhite4 '
AQUAMARINE = ' aquamarine '
AQUAMARINE1 = ' aquamarine1 '
AQUAMARINE2 = ' aquamarine2 '
AQUAMARINE3 = ' aquamarine3 '
AQUAMARINE4 = ' aquamarine4 '
AZURE = ' azure '
AZURE1 = ' azure1 '
AZURE2 = ' azure2 '
AZURE3 = ' azure3 '
AZURE4 = ' azure4 '
BEIGE = ' beige '
BISQUE = ' bisque '
BISQUE1 = ' bisque1 '
BISQUE2 = ' bisque2 '
BISQUE3 = ' bisque3 '
BISQUE4 = ' bisque4 '
BLACK = ' black '
BLANCHED_ALMOND = ' blanched almond '
BLANCHEDALMOND = ' BlanchedAlmond '
BLUE = ' blue '
BLUE_VIOLET = ' blue violet '
BLUE1 = ' blue1 '
BLUE2 = ' blue2 '
BLUE3 = ' blue3 '
BLUE4 = ' blue4 '
BLUEVIOLET = ' BlueViolet '
BROWN = ' brown '
BROWN1 = ' brown1 '
BROWN2 = ' brown2 '
BROWN3 = ' brown3 '
BROWN4 = ' brown4 '
BURLYWOOD = ' burlywood '
BURLYWOOD1 = ' burlywood1 '
BURLYWOOD2 = ' burlywood2 '
BURLYWOOD3 = ' burlywood3 '
BURLYWOOD4 = ' burlywood4 '
CADET_BLUE = ' cadet blue '
CADETBLUE = ' CadetBlue '
CADETBLUE1 = ' CadetBlue1 '
CADETBLUE2 = ' CadetBlue2 '
CADETBLUE3 = ' CadetBlue3 '
CADETBLUE4 = ' CadetBlue4 '
CHARTREUSE = ' chartreuse '
CHARTREUSE1 = ' chartreuse1 '
CHARTREUSE2 = ' chartreuse2 '
CHARTREUSE3 = ' chartreuse3 '
CHARTREUSE4 = ' chartreuse4 '
CHOCOLATE = ' chocolate '
CHOCOLATE1 = ' chocolate1 '
CHOCOLATE2 = ' chocolate2 '
CHOCOLATE3 = ' chocolate3 '
CHOCOLATE4 = ' chocolate4 '
CORAL = ' coral '
CORAL1 = ' coral1 '
CORAL2 = ' coral2 '
CORAL3 = ' coral3 '
CORAL4 = ' coral4 '
CORNFLOWER_BLUE = ' cornflower blue '
CORNFLOWERBLUE = ' CornflowerBlue '
CORNSILK = ' cornsilk '
CORNSILK1 = ' cornsilk1 '
CORNSILK2 = ' cornsilk2 '
CORNSILK3 = ' cornsilk3 '
CORNSILK4 = ' cornsilk4 '
CYAN = ' cyan '
CYAN1 = ' cyan1 '
CYAN2 = ' cyan2 '
CYAN3 = ' cyan3 '
CYAN4 = ' cyan4 '
DARK_BLUE = ' dark blue '
DARK_CYAN = ' dark cyan '
DARK_GOLDENROD = ' dark goldenrod '
DARK_GRAY = ' dark gray '
DARK_GREEN = ' dark green '
DARK_GREY = ' dark grey '
DARK_KHAKI = ' dark khaki '
DARK_MAGENTA = ' dark magenta '
DARK_OLIVE_GREEN = ' dark olive green '
DARK_ORANGE = ' dark orange '
DARK_ORCHID = ' dark orchid '
DARK_RED = ' dark red '
DARK_SALMON = ' dark salmon '
DARK_SEA_GREEN = ' dark sea green '
DARK_SLATE_BLUE = ' dark slate blue '
DARK_SLATE_GRAY = ' dark slate gray '
DARK_SLATE_GREY = ' dark slate grey '
DARK_TURQUOISE = ' dark turquoise '
DARK_VIOLET = ' dark violet '
DARKBLUE = ' DarkBlue '
DARKCYAN = ' DarkCyan '
DARKGOLDENROD = ' DarkGoldenrod '
DARKGOLDENROD1 = ' DarkGoldenrod1 '
DARKGOLDENROD2 = ' DarkGoldenrod2 '
DARKGOLDENROD3 = ' DarkGoldenrod3 '
DARKGOLDENROD4 = ' DarkGoldenrod4 '
DARKGRAY = ' DarkGray '
DARKGREEN = ' DarkGreen '
DARKGREY = ' DarkGrey '
DARKKHAKI = ' DarkKhaki '
DARKMAGENTA = ' DarkMagenta '
DARKOLIVEGREEN = ' DarkOliveGreen '
DARKOLIVEGREEN1 = ' DarkOliveGreen1 '
DARKOLIVEGREEN2 = ' DarkOliveGreen2 '
DARKOLIVEGREEN3 = ' DarkOliveGreen3 '
DARKOLIVEGREEN4 = ' DarkOliveGreen4 '
DARKORANGE = ' DarkOrange '
DARKORANGE1 = ' DarkOrange1 '
DARKORANGE2 = ' DarkOrange2 '
DARKORANGE3 = ' DarkOrange3 '
DARKORANGE4 = ' DarkOrange4 '
DARKORCHID = ' DarkOrchid '
DARKORCHID1 = ' DarkOrchid1 '
DARKORCHID2 = ' DarkOrchid2 '
DARKORCHID3 = ' DarkOrchid3 '
DARKORCHID4 = ' DarkOrchid4 '
DARKRED = ' DarkRed '
DARKSALMON = ' DarkSalmon '
DARKSEAGREEN = ' DarkSeaGreen '
DARKSEAGREEN1 = ' DarkSeaGreen1 '
DARKSEAGREEN2 = ' DarkSeaGreen2 '
DARKSEAGREEN3 = ' DarkSeaGreen3 '
DARKSEAGREEN4 = ' DarkSeaGreen4 '
DARKSLATEBLUE = ' DarkSlateBlue '
DARKSLATEGRAY = ' DarkSlateGray '
DARKSLATEGRAY1 = ' DarkSlateGray1 '
DARKSLATEGRAY2 = ' DarkSlateGray2 '
DARKSLATEGRAY3 = ' DarkSlateGray3 '
DARKSLATEGRAY4 = ' DarkSlateGray4 '
DARKSLATEGREY = ' DarkSlateGrey '
DARKTURQUOISE = ' DarkTurquoise '
DARKVIOLET = ' DarkViolet '
DEEP_PINK = ' deep pink '
DEEP_SKY_BLUE = ' deep sky blue '
DEEPPINK = ' DeepPink '
DEEPPINK1 = ' DeepPink1 '
DEEPPINK2 = ' DeepPink2 '
DEEPPINK3 = ' DeepPink3 '
DEEPPINK4 = ' DeepPink4 '
DEEPSKYBLUE = ' DeepSkyBlue '
DEEPSKYBLUE1 = ' DeepSkyBlue1 '
DEEPSKYBLUE2 = ' DeepSkyBlue2 '
DEEPSKYBLUE3 = ' DeepSkyBlue3 '
DEEPSKYBLUE4 = ' DeepSkyBlue4 '
DIM_GRAY = ' dim gray '
DIM_GREY = ' dim grey '
DIMGRAY = ' DimGray '
DIMGREY = ' DimGrey '
DODGER_BLUE = ' dodger blue '
DODGERBLUE = ' DodgerBlue '
DODGERBLUE1 = ' DodgerBlue1 '
DODGERBLUE2 = ' DodgerBlue2 '
DODGERBLUE3 = ' DodgerBlue3 '
DODGERBLUE4 = ' DodgerBlue4 '
FIREBRICK = ' firebrick '
FIREBRICK1 = ' firebrick1 '
FIREBRICK2 = ' firebrick2 '
FIREBRICK3 = ' firebrick3 '
FIREBRICK4 = ' firebrick4 '
FLORAL_WHITE = ' floral white '
FLORALWHITE = ' FloralWhite '
FOREST_GREEN = ' forest green '
FORESTGREEN = ' ForestGreen '
GAINSBORO = ' gainsboro '
GHOST_WHITE = ' ghost white '
GHOSTWHITE = ' GhostWhite '
GOLD = ' gold '
GOLD1 = ' gold1 '
GOLD2 = ' gold2 '
GOLD3 = ' gold3 '
GOLD4 = ' gold4 '
GOLDENROD = ' goldenrod '
GOLDENROD1 = ' goldenrod1 '
GOLDENROD2 = ' goldenrod2 '
GOLDENROD3 = ' goldenrod3 '
GOLDENROD4 = ' goldenrod4 '
GRAY = ' gray '
GRAY0 = ' gray0 '
GRAY1 = ' gray1 '
GRAY2 = ' gray2 '
GRAY3 = ' gray3 '
GRAY4 = ' gray4 '
GRAY5 = ' gray5 '
GRAY6 = ' gray6 '
GRAY7 = ' gray7 '
GRAY8 = ' gray8 '
GRAY9 = ' gray9 '
GRAY10 = ' gray10 '
GRAY11 = ' gray11 '
GRAY12 = ' gray12 '
GRAY13 = ' gray13 '
GRAY14 = ' gray14 '
GRAY15 = ' gray15 '
GRAY16 = ' gray16 '
GRAY17 = ' gray17 '
GRAY18 = ' gray18 '
GRAY19 = ' gray19 '
GRAY20 = ' gray20 '
GRAY21 = ' gray21 '
GRAY22 = ' gray22 '
GRAY23 = ' gray23 '
GRAY24 = ' gray24 '
GRAY25 = ' gray25 '
GRAY26 = ' gray26 '
GRAY27 = ' gray27 '
GRAY28 = ' gray28 '
GRAY29 = ' gray29 '
GRAY30 = ' gray30 '
GRAY31 = ' gray31 '
GRAY32 = ' gray32 '
GRAY33 = ' gray33 '
GRAY34 = ' gray34 '
GRAY35 = ' gray35 '
GRAY36 = ' gray36 '
GRAY37 = ' gray37 '
GRAY38 = ' gray38 '
GRAY39 = ' gray39 '
GRAY40 = ' gray40 '
GRAY41 = ' gray41 '
GRAY42 = ' gray42 '
GRAY43 = ' gray43 '
GRAY44 = ' gray44 '
GRAY45 = ' gray45 '
GRAY46 = ' gray46 '
GRAY47 = ' gray47 '
GRAY48 = ' gray48 '
GRAY49 = ' gray49 '
GRAY50 = ' gray50 '
GRAY51 = ' gray51 '
GRAY52 = ' gray52 '
GRAY53 = ' gray53 '
GRAY54 = ' gray54 '
GRAY55 = ' gray55 '
GRAY56 = ' gray56 '
GRAY57 = ' gray57 '
GRAY58 = ' gray58 '
GRAY59 = ' gray59 '
GRAY60 = ' gray60 '
GRAY61 = ' gray61 '
GRAY62 = ' gray62 '
GRAY63 = ' gray63 '
GRAY64 = ' gray64 '
GRAY65 = ' gray65 '
GRAY66 = ' gray66 '
GRAY67 = ' gray67 '
GRAY68 = ' gray68 '
GRAY69 = ' gray69 '
GRAY70 = ' gray70 '
GRAY71 = ' gray71 '
GRAY72 = ' gray72 '
GRAY73 = ' gray73 '
GRAY74 = ' gray74 '
GRAY75 = ' gray75 '
GRAY76 = ' gray76 '
GRAY77 = ' gray77 '
GRAY78 = ' gray78 '
GRAY79 = ' gray79 '
GRAY80 = ' gray80 '
GRAY81 = ' gray81 '
GRAY82 = ' gray82 '
GRAY83 = ' gray83 '
GRAY84 = ' gray84 '
GRAY85 = ' gray85 '
GRAY86 = ' gray86 '
GRAY87 = ' gray87 '
GRAY88 = ' gray88 '
GRAY89 = ' gray89 '
GRAY90 = ' gray90 '
GRAY91 = ' gray91 '
GRAY92 = ' gray92 '
GRAY93 = ' gray93 '
GRAY94 = ' gray94 '
GRAY95 = ' gray95 '
GRAY96 = ' gray96 '
GRAY97 = ' gray97 '
GRAY98 = ' gray98 '
GRAY99 = ' gray99 '
GRAY100 = ' gray100 '
GREEN = ' green '
GREEN_YELLOW = ' green yellow '
GREEN1 = ' green1 '
GREEN2 = ' green2 '
GREEN3 = ' green3 '
GREEN4 = ' green4 '
GREENYELLOW = ' GreenYellow '
GREY = ' grey '
GREY0 = ' grey0 '
GREY1 = ' grey1 '
GREY2 = ' grey2 '
GREY3 = ' grey3 '
GREY4 = ' grey4 '
GREY5 = ' grey5 '
GREY6 = ' grey6 '
GREY7 = ' grey7 '
GREY8 = ' grey8 '
GREY9 = ' grey9 '
GREY10 = ' grey10 '
GREY11 = ' grey11 '
GREY12 = ' grey12 '
GREY13 = ' grey13 '
GREY14 = ' grey14 '
GREY15 = ' grey15 '
GREY16 = ' grey16 '
GREY17 = ' grey17 '
GREY18 = ' grey18 '
GREY19 = ' grey19 '
GREY20 = ' grey20 '
GREY21 = ' grey21 '
GREY22 = ' grey22 '
GREY23 = ' grey23 '
GREY24 = ' grey24 '
GREY25 = ' grey25 '
GREY26 = ' grey26 '
GREY27 = ' grey27 '
GREY28 = ' grey28 '
GREY29 = ' grey29 '
GREY30 = ' grey30 '
GREY31 = ' grey31 '
GREY32 = ' grey32 '
GREY33 = ' grey33 '
GREY34 = ' grey34 '
GREY35 = ' grey35 '
GREY36 = ' grey36 '
GREY37 = ' grey37 '
GREY38 = ' grey38 '
GREY39 = ' grey39 '
GREY40 = ' grey40 '
GREY41 = ' grey41 '
GREY42 = ' grey42 '
GREY43 = ' grey43 '
GREY44 = ' grey44 '
GREY45 = ' grey45 '
GREY46 = ' grey46 '
GREY47 = ' grey47 '
GREY48 = ' grey48 '
GREY49 = ' grey49 '
GREY50 = ' grey50 '
GREY51 = ' grey51 '
GREY52 = ' grey52 '
GREY53 = ' grey53 '
GREY54 = ' grey54 '
GREY55 = ' grey55 '
GREY56 = ' grey56 '
GREY57 = ' grey57 '
GREY58 = ' grey58 '
GREY59 = ' grey59 '
GREY60 = ' grey60 '
GREY61 = ' grey61 '
GREY62 = ' grey62 '
GREY63 = ' grey63 '
GREY64 = ' grey64 '
GREY65 = ' grey65 '
GREY66 = ' grey66 '
GREY67 = ' grey67 '
GREY68 = ' grey68 '
GREY69 = ' grey69 '
GREY70 = ' grey70 '
GREY71 = ' grey71 '
GREY72 = ' grey72 '
GREY73 = ' grey73 '
GREY74 = ' grey74 '
GREY75 = ' grey75 '
GREY76 = ' grey76 '
GREY77 = ' grey77 '
GREY78 = ' grey78 '
GREY79 = ' grey79 '
GREY80 = ' grey80 '
GREY81 = ' grey81 '
GREY82 = ' grey82 '
GREY83 = ' grey83 '
GREY84 = ' grey84 '
GREY85 = ' grey85 '
GREY86 = ' grey86 '
GREY87 = ' grey87 '
GREY88 = ' grey88 '
GREY89 = ' grey89 '
GREY90 = ' grey90 '
GREY91 = ' grey91 '
GREY92 = ' grey92 '
GREY93 = ' grey93 '
GREY94 = ' grey94 '
GREY95 = ' grey95 '
GREY96 = ' grey96 '
GREY97 = ' grey97 '
GREY98 = ' grey98 '
GREY99 = ' grey99 '
GREY100 = ' grey100 '
HONEYDEW = ' honeydew '
HONEYDEW1 = ' honeydew1 '
HONEYDEW2 = ' honeydew2 '
HONEYDEW3 = ' honeydew3 '
HONEYDEW4 = ' honeydew4 '
HOT_PINK = ' hot pink '
HOTPINK = ' HotPink '
HOTPINK1 = ' HotPink1 '
HOTPINK2 = ' HotPink2 '
HOTPINK3 = ' HotPink3 '
HOTPINK4 = ' HotPink4 '
INDIAN_RED = ' indian red '
INDIANRED = ' IndianRed '
INDIANRED1 = ' IndianRed1 '
INDIANRED2 = ' IndianRed2 '
INDIANRED3 = ' IndianRed3 '
INDIANRED4 = ' IndianRed4 '
IVORY = ' ivory '
IVORY1 = ' ivory1 '
IVORY2 = ' ivory2 '
IVORY3 = ' ivory3 '
IVORY4 = ' ivory4 '
KHAKI = ' khaki '
KHAKI1 = ' khaki1 '
KHAKI2 = ' khaki2 '
KHAKI3 = ' khaki3 '
KHAKI4 = ' khaki4 '
LAVENDER = ' lavender '
LAVENDER_BLUSH = ' lavender blush '
LAVENDERBLUSH = ' LavenderBlush '
LAVENDERBLUSH1 = ' LavenderBlush1 '
LAVENDERBLUSH2 = ' LavenderBlush2 '
LAVENDERBLUSH3 = ' LavenderBlush3 '
LAVENDERBLUSH4 = ' LavenderBlush4 '
LAWN_GREEN = ' lawn green '
LAWNGREEN = ' LawnGreen '
LEMON_CHIFFON = ' lemon chiffon '
LEMONCHIFFON = ' LemonChiffon '
LEMONCHIFFON1 = ' LemonChiffon1 '
LEMONCHIFFON2 = ' LemonChiffon2 '
LEMONCHIFFON3 = ' LemonChiffon3 '
LEMONCHIFFON4 = ' LemonChiffon4 '
LIGHT_BLUE = ' light blue '
LIGHT_CORAL = ' light coral '
LIGHT_CYAN = ' light cyan '
LIGHT_GOLDENROD = ' light goldenrod '
LIGHT_GOLDENROD_YELLOW = ' light goldenrod yellow '
LIGHT_GRAY = ' light gray '
LIGHT_GREEN = ' light green '
LIGHT_GREY = ' light grey '
LIGHT_PINK = ' light pink '
LIGHT_SALMON = ' light salmon '
LIGHT_SEA_GREEN = ' light sea green '
LIGHT_SKY_BLUE = ' light sky blue '
LIGHT_SLATE_BLUE = ' light slate blue '
LIGHT_SLATE_GRAY = ' light slate gray '
LIGHT_SLATE_GREY = ' light slate grey '
LIGHT_STEEL_BLUE = ' light steel blue '
LIGHT_YELLOW = ' light yellow '
LIGHTBLUE = ' LightBlue '
LIGHTBLUE1 = ' LightBlue1 '
LIGHTBLUE2 = ' LightBlue2 '
LIGHTBLUE3 = ' LightBlue3 '
LIGHTBLUE4 = ' LightBlue4 '
LIGHTCORAL = ' LightCoral '
LIGHTCYAN = ' LightCyan '
LIGHTCYAN1 = ' LightCyan1 '
LIGHTCYAN2 = ' LightCyan2 '
LIGHTCYAN3 = ' LightCyan3 '
LIGHTCYAN4 = ' LightCyan4 '
LIGHTGOLDENROD = ' LightGoldenrod '
LIGHTGOLDENROD1 = ' LightGoldenrod1 '
LIGHTGOLDENROD2 = ' LightGoldenrod2 '
LIGHTGOLDENROD3 = ' LightGoldenrod3 '
LIGHTGOLDENROD4 = ' LightGoldenrod4 '
LIGHTGOLDENRODYELLOW = ' LightGoldenrodYellow '
LIGHTGRAY = ' LightGray '
LIGHTGREEN = ' LightGreen '
LIGHTGREY = ' LightGrey '
LIGHTPINK = ' LightPink '
LIGHTPINK1 = ' LightPink1 '
LIGHTPINK2 = ' LightPink2 '
LIGHTPINK3 = ' LightPink3 '
LIGHTPINK4 = ' LightPink4 '
LIGHTSALMON = ' LightSalmon '
LIGHTSALMON1 = ' LightSalmon1 '
LIGHTSALMON2 = ' LightSalmon2 '
LIGHTSALMON3 = ' LightSalmon3 '
LIGHTSALMON4 = ' LightSalmon4 '
LIGHTSEAGREEN = ' LightSeaGreen '
LIGHTSKYBLUE = ' LightSkyBlue '
LIGHTSKYBLUE1 = ' LightSkyBlue1 '
LIGHTSKYBLUE2 = ' LightSkyBlue2 '
LIGHTSKYBLUE3 = ' LightSkyBlue3 '
LIGHTSKYBLUE4 = ' LightSkyBlue4 '
LIGHTSLATEBLUE = ' LightSlateBlue '
LIGHTSLATEGRAY = ' LightSlateGray '
LIGHTSLATEGREY = ' LightSlateGrey '
LIGHTSTEELBLUE = ' LightSteelBlue '
LIGHTSTEELBLUE1 = ' LightSteelBlue1 '
LIGHTSTEELBLUE2 = ' LightSteelBlue2 '
LIGHTSTEELBLUE3 = ' LightSteelBlue3 '
LIGHTSTEELBLUE4 = ' LightSteelBlue4 '
LIGHTYELLOW = ' LightYellow '
LIGHTYELLOW1 = ' LightYellow1 '
LIGHTYELLOW2 = ' LightYellow2 '
LIGHTYELLOW3 = ' LightYellow3 '
LIGHTYELLOW4 = ' LightYellow4 '
LIME_GREEN = ' lime green '
LIMEGREEN = ' LimeGreen '
LINEN = ' linen '
MAGENTA = ' magenta '
MAGENTA1 = ' magenta1 '
MAGENTA2 = ' magenta2 '
MAGENTA3 = ' magenta3 '
MAGENTA4 = ' magenta4 '
MAROON = ' maroon '
MAROON1 = ' maroon1 '
MAROON2 = ' maroon2 '
MAROON3 = ' maroon3 '
MAROON4 = ' maroon4 '
MEDIUM_AQUAMARINE = ' medium aquamarine '
MEDIUM_BLUE = ' medium blue '
MEDIUM_ORCHID = ' medium orchid '
MEDIUM_PURPLE = ' medium purple '
MEDIUM_SEA_GREEN = ' medium sea green '
MEDIUM_SLATE_BLUE = ' medium slate blue '
MEDIUM_SPRING_GREEN = ' medium spring green '
MEDIUM_TURQUOISE = ' medium turquoise '
MEDIUM_VIOLET_RED = ' medium violet red '
MEDIUMAQUAMARINE = ' MediumAquamarine '
MEDIUMBLUE = ' MediumBlue '
MEDIUMORCHID = ' MediumOrchid '
MEDIUMORCHID1 = ' MediumOrchid1 '
MEDIUMORCHID2 = ' MediumOrchid2 '
MEDIUMORCHID3 = ' MediumOrchid3 '
MEDIUMORCHID4 = ' MediumOrchid4 '
MEDIUMPURPLE = ' MediumPurple '
MEDIUMPURPLE1 = ' MediumPurple1 '
MEDIUMPURPLE2 = ' MediumPurple2 '
MEDIUMPURPLE3 = ' MediumPurple3 '
MEDIUMPURPLE4 = ' MediumPurple4 '
MEDIUMSEAGREEN = ' MediumSeaGreen '
MEDIUMSLATEBLUE = ' MediumSlateBlue '
MEDIUMSPRINGGREEN = ' MediumSpringGreen '
MEDIUMTURQUOISE = ' MediumTurquoise '
MEDIUMVIOLETRED = ' MediumVioletRed '
MIDNIGHT_BLUE = ' midnight blue '
MIDNIGHTBLUE = ' MidnightBlue '
MINT_CREAM = ' mint cream '
MINTCREAM = ' MintCream '
MISTY_ROSE = ' misty rose '
MISTYROSE = ' MistyRose '
MISTYROSE1 = ' MistyRose1 '
MISTYROSE2 = ' MistyRose2 '
MISTYROSE3 = ' MistyRose3 '
MISTYROSE4 = ' MistyRose4 '
MOCCASIN = ' moccasin '
NAVAJO_WHITE = ' navajo white '
NAVAJOWHITE = ' NavajoWhite '
NAVAJOWHITE1 = ' NavajoWhite1 '
NAVAJOWHITE2 = ' NavajoWhite2 '
NAVAJOWHITE3 = ' NavajoWhite3 '
NAVAJOWHITE4 = ' NavajoWhite4 '
NAVY = ' navy '
NAVY_BLUE = ' navy blue '
NAVYBLUE = ' NavyBlue '
OLD_LACE = ' old lace '
OLDLACE = ' OldLace '
OLIVE_DRAB = ' olive drab '
OLIVEDRAB = ' OliveDrab '
OLIVEDRAB1 = ' OliveDrab1 '
OLIVEDRAB2 = ' OliveDrab2 '
OLIVEDRAB3 = ' OliveDrab3 '
OLIVEDRAB4 = ' OliveDrab4 '
ORANGE = ' orange '
ORANGE_RED = ' orange red '
ORANGE1 = ' orange1 '
ORANGE2 = ' orange2 '
ORANGE3 = ' orange3 '
ORANGE4 = ' orange4 '
ORANGERED = ' OrangeRed '
ORANGERED1 = ' OrangeRed1 '
ORANGERED2 = ' OrangeRed2 '
ORANGERED3 = ' OrangeRed3 '
ORANGERED4 = ' OrangeRed4 '
ORCHID = ' orchid '
ORCHID1 = ' orchid1 '
ORCHID2 = ' orchid2 '
ORCHID3 = ' orchid3 '
ORCHID4 = ' orchid4 '
PALE_GOLDENROD = ' pale goldenrod '
PALE_GREEN = ' pale green '
PALE_TURQUOISE = ' pale turquoise '
PALE_VIOLET_RED = ' pale violet red '
PALEGOLDENROD = ' PaleGoldenrod '
PALEGREEN = ' PaleGreen '
PALEGREEN1 = ' PaleGreen1 '
PALEGREEN2 = ' PaleGreen2 '
PALEGREEN3 = ' PaleGreen3 '
PALEGREEN4 = ' PaleGreen4 '
PALETURQUOISE = ' PaleTurquoise '
PALETURQUOISE1 = ' PaleTurquoise1 '
PALETURQUOISE2 = ' PaleTurquoise2 '
PALETURQUOISE3 = ' PaleTurquoise3 '
PALETURQUOISE4 = ' PaleTurquoise4 '
PALEVIOLETRED = ' PaleVioletRed '
PALEVIOLETRED1 = ' PaleVioletRed1 '
PALEVIOLETRED2 = ' PaleVioletRed2 '
PALEVIOLETRED3 = ' PaleVioletRed3 '
PALEVIOLETRED4 = ' PaleVioletRed4 '
PAPAYA_WHIP = ' papaya whip '
PAPAYAWHIP = ' PapayaWhip '
PEACH_PUFF = ' peach puff '
PEACHPUFF = ' PeachPuff '
PEACHPUFF1 = ' PeachPuff1 '
PEACHPUFF2 = ' PeachPuff2 '
PEACHPUFF3 = ' PeachPuff3 '
PEACHPUFF4 = ' PeachPuff4 '
PERU = ' peru '
PINK = ' pink '
PINK1 = ' pink1 '
PINK2 = ' pink2 '
PINK3 = ' pink3 '
PINK4 = ' pink4 '
PLUM = ' plum '
PLUM1 = ' plum1 '
PLUM2 = ' plum2 '
PLUM3 = ' plum3 '
PLUM4 = ' plum4 '
POWDER_BLUE = ' powder blue '
POWDERBLUE = ' PowderBlue '
PURPLE = ' purple '
PURPLE1 = ' purple1 '
PURPLE2 = ' purple2 '
PURPLE3 = ' purple3 '
PURPLE4 = ' purple4 '
RED = ' red '
RED1 = ' red1 '
RED2 = ' red2 '
RED3 = ' red3 '
RED4 = ' red4 '
ROSY_BROWN = ' rosy brown '
ROSYBROWN = ' RosyBrown '
ROSYBROWN1 = ' RosyBrown1 '
ROSYBROWN2 = ' RosyBrown2 '
ROSYBROWN3 = ' RosyBrown3 '
ROSYBROWN4 = ' RosyBrown4 '
ROYAL_BLUE = ' royal blue '
ROYALBLUE = ' RoyalBlue '
ROYALBLUE1 = ' RoyalBlue1 '
ROYALBLUE2 = ' RoyalBlue2 '
ROYALBLUE3 = ' RoyalBlue3 '
ROYALBLUE4 = ' RoyalBlue4 '
SADDLE_BROWN = ' saddle brown '
SADDLEBROWN = ' SaddleBrown '
SALMON = ' salmon '
SALMON1 = ' salmon1 '
SALMON2 = ' salmon2 '
SALMON3 = ' salmon3 '
SALMON4 = ' salmon4 '
SANDY_BROWN = ' sandy brown '
SANDYBROWN = ' SandyBrown '
SEA_GREEN = ' sea green '
SEAGREEN = ' SeaGreen '
SEAGREEN1 = ' SeaGreen1 '
SEAGREEN2 = ' SeaGreen2 '
SEAGREEN3 = ' SeaGreen3 '
SEAGREEN4 = ' SeaGreen4 '
SEASHELL = ' seashell '
SEASHELL1 = ' seashell1 '
SEASHELL2 = ' seashell2 '
SEASHELL3 = ' seashell3 '
SEASHELL4 = ' seashell4 '
SIENNA = ' sienna '
SIENNA1 = ' sienna1 '
SIENNA2 = ' sienna2 '
SIENNA3 = ' sienna3 '
SIENNA4 = ' sienna4 '
SKY_BLUE = ' sky blue '
SKYBLUE = ' SkyBlue '
SKYBLUE1 = ' SkyBlue1 '
SKYBLUE2 = ' SkyBlue2 '
SKYBLUE3 = ' SkyBlue3 '
SKYBLUE4 = ' SkyBlue4 '
SLATE_BLUE = ' slate blue '
SLATE_GRAY = ' slate gray '
SLATE_GREY = ' slate grey '
SLATEBLUE = ' SlateBlue '
SLATEBLUE1 = ' SlateBlue1 '
SLATEBLUE2 = ' SlateBlue2 '
SLATEBLUE3 = ' SlateBlue3 '
SLATEBLUE4 = ' SlateBlue4 '
SLATEGRAY = ' SlateGray '
SLATEGRAY1 = ' SlateGray1 '
SLATEGRAY2 = ' SlateGray2 '
SLATEGRAY3 = ' SlateGray3 '
SLATEGRAY4 = ' SlateGray4 '
SLATEGREY = ' SlateGrey '
SNOW = ' snow '
SNOW1 = ' snow1 '
SNOW2 = ' snow2 '
SNOW3 = ' snow3 '
SNOW4 = ' snow4 '
SPRING_GREEN = ' spring green '
SPRINGGREEN = ' SpringGreen '
SPRINGGREEN1 = ' SpringGreen1 '
SPRINGGREEN2 = ' SpringGreen2 '
SPRINGGREEN3 = ' SpringGreen3 '
SPRINGGREEN4 = ' SpringGreen4 '
STEEL_BLUE = ' steel blue '
STEELBLUE = ' SteelBlue '
STEELBLUE1 = ' SteelBlue1 '
STEELBLUE2 = ' SteelBlue2 '
STEELBLUE3 = ' SteelBlue3 '
STEELBLUE4 = ' SteelBlue4 '
TAN = ' tan '
TAN1 = ' tan1 '
TAN2 = ' tan2 '
TAN3 = ' tan3 '
TAN4 = ' tan4 '
THISTLE = ' thistle '
THISTLE1 = ' thistle1 '
THISTLE2 = ' thistle2 '
THISTLE3 = ' thistle3 '
THISTLE4 = ' thistle4 '
TOMATO = ' tomato '
TOMATO1 = ' tomato1 '
TOMATO2 = ' tomato2 '
TOMATO3 = ' tomato3 '
TOMATO4 = ' tomato4 '
TURQUOISE = ' turquoise '
TURQUOISE1 = ' turquoise1 '
TURQUOISE2 = ' turquoise2 '
TURQUOISE3 = ' turquoise3 '
TURQUOISE4 = ' turquoise4 '
VIOLET = ' violet '
VIOLET_RED = ' violet red '
VIOLETRED = ' VioletRed '
VIOLETRED1 = ' VioletRed1 '
VIOLETRED2 = ' VioletRed2 '
VIOLETRED3 = ' VioletRed3 '
VIOLETRED4 = ' VioletRed4 '
WHEAT = ' wheat '
WHEAT1 = ' wheat1 '
WHEAT2 = ' wheat2 '
WHEAT3 = ' wheat3 '
WHEAT4 = ' wheat4 '
WHITE = ' white '
WHITE_SMOKE = ' white smoke '
WHITESMOKE = ' WhiteSmoke '
YELLOW = ' yellow '
YELLOW_GREEN = ' yellow green '
YELLOW1 = ' yellow1 '
YELLOW2 = ' yellow2 '
YELLOW3 = ' yellow3 '
YELLOW4 = ' yellow4 '
YELLOWGREEN = ' YellowGreen '
NAME_TO_RGB = { ' AliceBlue ' : ( 240, 248, 255) , ' AntiqueWhite ' : ( ...
NAME_TO_RGB_LC = { ' alice blue ' : ( 240, 248, 255) , ' aliceblue ' : ...
NAME_TO_HEX_LC = { ' alice blue ' : ' #f0f8ff ' , ' aliceblue ' : ' #f0f8 ...
RGB_TO_NAME = { ( 0, 0, 0) : ' black ' , ( 0, 0, 128) : ' NavyBlue ' , ( 0...
HEX_TO_NAME = { ' #000000 ' : ' black ' , ' #000080 ' : ' NavyBlue ' , ' #00 ...